At Holy Trinity, we are committed to making space for the big questions.
Adult Education
Adult Forum
Our weekly Adult Forum serves as a way for our community to gather and explore ideas together. Each quarter, we focus on a new theme from a variety of perspectives. A typical quarter might include theological and biblical reflections, explorations of cultural and justice issues, and a book study. Presentations are invited from congregation members and others from the wider social, political, and theological community.
Zoom Adult Forum: Sundays at 9:00 am, September through May
Adult Forums are held live and on Zoom Sundays at 9:00 am, September through May. There is no weekly adult ed during the summer months. Information on the schedule, upcoming topics and speakers, as well as information on how to access the video conference, is published each week in the Community Church newsletter.
Explore recordings of previous adult forums here.
Adult Forum March 2: Joyce Besser
Adult Forum February 23: Youth Recital
Adult Forum February 16: Sandra Hisakuni
Adult Forum December 22: Witness for Peace in Cuba
Adult Forum December 8: Hiawatha Golf Course pt. 1
Adult Forum October 20: Longfellow Student
Adult Forum October 13: Stewardship Sunday
Adult Forum October 6: Chef Judah from Soup for You!Adult Forum September 22: Rev. Hierald Osorto
Adult Forum September 29: Longfellow High School
Adult Forum September 22: Rev. Hierald Osorto
Church Library
Holy Trinity maintains a library of books and other materials on a wide variety of subjects including theology, spirituality, church history, justice, and the arts. Materials are available to use at the church or borrow and take home.