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What to Expect


We’re so glad you’ve found Holy Trinity.

Whether you’re a lifelong Lutheran, brand new to church, or somewhere in between, visiting a new faith community can be confusing. Where do I sit? Where do my children go? What do I do with the little cup after I drink the wine? It can seem like there are a lot of rules to follow, and every church does it a little bit differently.

We want to reassure you that we welcome you as part of our community, for one Sunday or for a lifetime, no matter where you are on your faith journey.

We worship every Sunday at 10:00 am, with Adult Ed at 9:00 am. There is no weekly Adult Ed during the summer months.

Here’s what you can expect when you join us, from parking to communion and everything in between.

Find Us

Our church building is located at 2730 East 31st Street in South Minneapolis.


Holy Trinity has ample parking available. The entrance to our large parking lot is at 2813 E. Lake Street, located on the south side of Lake Street between 28th and 29th Avenues. The lot is shared with Trinity on Lake Apartments; park in any unposted spots or those marked for church parking

The church building itself is about 1/2 block southwest of the lot. A sidewalk leads from the parking lot through our rain garden to the church. Street parking is also available on the surrounding streets.

Holy Trinity’s accessible and “every day” entrance is on the east side of the building (the cul-de-sac entrance) located just north of 31st St at 28th Avenue. We open the main doors that face E 31st St for worship services and other special events.

Public Transportation

If you’re using public transportation, there is a bus stop near to the sidewalk that goes south to the church, and we are just a couple of blocks east and one block south of the Blue Line Metro Station’s Lake Street/Midtown stop.

Come Inside

When you enter the church, follow the signs to make your way upstairs to the sanctuary. Outside the sanctuary, an usher will greet you warmly and offer you a bulletin outlining the order of service. You may ask them any questions at this time, as well.

Find a Spot for Kids

Children (and their voices!) are welcome in worship at Holy Trinity, and families are encouraged to worship together. We have activity bags available with crayons, coloring books, and other materials for children. There is a seating area in the Fellowship Hall directly opposite the sanctuary with children’s books and a few toys where you can go if your child needs a brief break during the service. We also provide a fully staffed nursery all morning for infants through age 6. We encourage families to do what works best for them.

Learn more about opportunities for children and youth at Holy Trinity.

Read Holy Trinity’s statement on children in worship.

Prepare for Worship

After you receive your bulletin, enter the sanctuary and sit wherever you like. You’ll hear prelude music before the service begins. Find hymnals and Bibles on the back of the pew in front of you.


Holy Trinity practices open communion. This means we welcome every person to the table to receive the sacrament of Holy Communion, regardless of age or faith journey. You don’t have to be Lutheran, or even Christian, to receive communion at Holy Trinity.

In our church, we commune by kneeling on a bench around the altar. An usher will indicate when it is your row’s turn to receive communion. Make your way down the center aisle and, when a space opens at the kneeling bench, approach and kneel down. You may also remain standing if kneeling is not comfortable for you.

A pastor or communion server will offer you a small wafer or piece of bread, which you can take in your hand. They will say: “Body of Christ, given for you.” You may eat the bread or wafer. A gluten free option is available—just ask the server.

Once you’ve eaten the bread or wafer, another pastor or server will offer you wine. They will say: “Blood of Christ, shed for you.” You may drink the wine. Non-alcoholic grape juice is available in the center of the tray.

If you do not wish to receive communion, you may cross your arms over your chest to receive a blessing instead.

Some people remain for a moment of silent prayer or reflection before standing up; this is up to you.

When you are finished, stand and leave down the nearest side aisle, placing your communion cup in the tray as you pass.

Snack & Chat

After the church service, we gather for coffee and conversation in the Fellowship Hall directly opposite the sanctuary—you can’t miss it as you exit. Help yourself to treats and drinks and make yourself at home—we are eager to meet you!


Adult Forum and Sunday School take place between our two church services. Please join us—all are welcome.